Travelling with the one-second fold Bugaboo Butterfly – Mamas & Papas IE

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Travelling with the one-second fold Bugaboo Butterfly

Travelling with the one-second fold Bugaboo Butterfly

We spoke with our Bugaboo Senior Product Manager, Romina Pirini, to find out all you need to know when it comes to the Bugaboo Butterfly Stroller and what makes it a world class traveller pushchair.

How does the Bugaboo Butterfly stand out from the crowd?

Being the perfect next stage pushchair, the Bugaboo Butterfly is an ultra-compact travel pushchair that can be folded with one hand, in one second, thanks to its innovative folding mechanism. This lightweight buggy is perfect for parents on the go and is IATA compatible so can be taken on a plane as hand luggage – making those memories even easier to be made!

What is your favourite thing about the Bugaboo Butterfly?

My favorite aspect of the Bugaboo Butterfly is the balance between its ultra-compact fold and the comfort it provides for the baby. With a large, reclinable seat, an extendable canopy, and an adjustable leg rest, it provides great comfort for a growing child.

What advice would you give to parents when choosing their pushchair?

When choosing a pushchair, it’s important to consider your lifestyle and your child's needs. Think about how often you'll be out and about and what kind of terrain you'll encounter. For example, if you need something lightweight and easy to fold, a more compact pushchair is ideal. However, if you need ample storage and the ability to handle various terrains, an all-terrain pushchair might be more suitable. Also, consider the pushchair’s maneuverability, storage capacity, and safety features such as a secure harness and good shock absorption for your baby’s comfort. Finally, check the pushchair’s sun canopy for protection from the elements. Your final choice should reflect your unique needs and preferences. Our range of course has something to cover off all of these requirements.

What are the essential accessories for travelling with your Bugaboo Butterfly?

When it comes to traveling with your Bugaboo Butterfly, make sure to bring along a rain cover to keep your little one dry when the skies decide to unleash. The travel bag is a must to keep your pushchair safe and sound during travel adventures. If sunny days are expected, don't forget the parasol or the dual comfort seat liner that offers extra breathability thanks to the 3D mesh. The cupholder is also a must have and it can be easily attached to the pushchair.

What was the design process for the Bugaboo Butterfly?

Creating the Bugaboo Butterfly was a thoughtful journey, listening to what consumers wanted and solving their pain points along the way. Through multiple iterations and consumer tests, we honed the Butterfly’s features to perfection. By working closely with parents and testing the stroller in real-world scenarios, we ensured that the Bugaboo Butterfly would be user-friendly and meet the needs of modern families.

From city to travel life, the Bugaboo Butterfly is there for those exciting family adventures. For more information on the Bugaboo Butterfly, please visit the product page here.


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Not only do we put design at the front and centre of our ethos, but we are also B Corp certified, meaning we’re committed, and on the right path to making a positive impact on the world for future generations. From taking care of our employees, to using sustainable materials, conscious choices have always been in our DNA, and our B Corp Certification™ will keep us pushing to do even better.


Bugaboo Butterfly

Discover the world travelling with the one-second fold Bugaboo Butterfly

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