Meet our Parent Approved Panel... – Mamas & Papas IE

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Meet our Parent Approved Panel...

Meet our Parent Approved Panel...

Last year, we created our Parent Approved Panel to give real parents a voice, allowing them to share their thoughts about a range of Mamas & Papas products. This year, we launched the Parent Approved Panel 2.0 - with even more parents sharing their experiences of life with a little one or ones. Find out more about them below...

Mamas & Papas Parent Approved Panel is all about real parents. Sharing real experiences and real insights from parents who are in the thick of it. The funny, the frustrating, the heart-warming, the tear-jerking, the silly; it's all about honesty.

After receiving almost 800 entries; the lucky finalists were put through a tough judging process before being announced as this year's official panellists.

Brought on board to road-test our products; provide authentic feedback and be our own panel of parenting experts – we hope you enjoy following each of our 22 panellists on their individual journeys.

We are sure you will love getting to know them just as much as we have so far. So let's meet our Parent Approved Panel 2019...

Abigail Thomas, 2nd-time Mum-to-Be, Kent

New Arrival:

"I'm really big on being honest about the products I'm using and experiences. I enjoy following influencers who aren't afraid to show that parenting isn't always perfect; it doesn't always have to be perfect and you can say when it's not. And this is what I try to do as well..."

Favourite Piece of Advice: "I've learnt from being a mum so far that a lot of things that really matter just come to you instinctively. You learn things as you go along... it's fine not to have it all together."

Parenting in 3 Words: "Hard, rewarding and fun"

Check out Abigail on Instagram

Christy-Leigh Castles, Mum of 4, Surrey

New Arrival: Bonnie

"I'm a photographer and absolutely love photographing other families and their babies, so now I'm excited to be able to take pictures of my own family for the Parent Approved Panel."

Favourite Piece of Advice: "I always remember someone said to me - you are enough for your children, with everything that you do so if you worry 'am I giving them enough?' You are enough."

Parenting in 3 Words: "Messy, amazing and rewarding"

Check out Christy on Instagram

Darcy Brown, New mum, Leeds

New Arrival: Barnaby

"Being a new mum is amazing. I've just started my social media journey - my Instagram was created to document my pregnancy, going from my 2nd to 3rd trimester. The mum community online is so supportive and I'm excited to be a part of this."

Favourite Piece of Advice: "Remember to find time for a little self-care and to enjoy every single second of your baby's first moments."

Parenting in 3 words: "Incredible, scary and exciting"

Check out Darcy on Instagram

Harley Challener, Mum of 3, Derby

New Arrival: Freddie

"I've always loved Mamas & Papas, I've got a lot of their products already. I thought I'll never get through to the final panel line-up as I don't have a huge following; I'm not a blogger or a YouTuber, so I'm excited to have made it through and be a part of the online mum community."

Favourite Piece of Advice: "Treasure each moment and not take anything for granted. Take each day as it comes; they grow up fast and you don't want to miss things."

Parenting in 3 Words: "Challenging, emotional and rewarding"

Check out Harley on Instagram

Haley Archibald, New mum, Derby

New Arrival: Elodie

"I follow a lot of influencers who give tips, tricks and advice if I've had a tricky day with Elodie - I'll message other mums to receive messages of positivity which uplift me, so I'm excited to be part of the panel to share our experiences together."

Favourite Piece of Advice: "Trust your own instincts. You know what's best for your baby, so go with it."

Parenting in 3 Words: "Precious, amazing and chaotic (at times!)"

Check out Haley on Instagram

Hollie Robinson, New mum, Hertfordshire

New Arrival: Archie

"Being a new mum is magical. I think when a baby is born, you're born as a parent. I absolutely love it - nappy changes and all!"

"As an Instagram lover, I'm on social media all of the time, but I make time to put my phone down and enjoy the natural moments because I love family time. For me, I'm most looking forward to meeting other mamas on the panel; as well as reviewing M&P products, which I already use and love."

Favourite Piece of Advice: "Trust your instincts. You get given so much advice; go with you - do you. Be your own kind of mum and enjoy the moment."

Parenting in 3 Words: "Magical, blissful and chaotic"

Check out Hollie on Instagram

Holly Burge, New mum, Bournemouth

New Arrival: Posey

"The most surprising thing about being a new mum is just how much I love her - I'm obsessed!"

"I'm a big fan of M&P anyway. We went into the store for their Personal Shopping experience and I saw the Instagram campaign calling out for panellists - now I'm actually a panellist!"

Favourite Piece of Advice: "Everyone's different; your baby's unique - it will do what it wants to do."

Parenting in 3 Words: "Tiring, enjoyable and rewarding"

Check out Holly on Instagram

Katerina Finnie, New mum, Glasgow

New Arrival: Harris

"One of my clients recommended I apply for the panel. I never thought I would get through so I'm excited to be part of this journey."

"I'm starting to step into the whole motherhood Insta-life - we're tentatively putting out toes in the water!"

Favourite Piece of Advice: "Some of the best advice we've received is to just enjoy parenting. There are clearly things that are going to be difficult but just seeing the fun in those is what we're looking to do."

Check out Katerina on Instagram

Samantha Gibb, New mum, Buckinghamshire

New Arrival: Gabriel

"I am brand new at being a parent. I'm finding it overwhelming but very rewarding. I'm really enjoying it."

"I applied to be part of the Parent Approved Panel because I want to simplify and share my thoughts around what products work and which ones don't."

Favourite Piece of Advice: "There's no right or wrong way of parenting so for me, I just needed to chill out a bit - take a deep breath and tell myself you're doing a good job. There's a lot of support out there, from local midwives to breastfeeding experts - you do what's right for you and your baby."

Check out Samantha on Instagram

Hannah Evans, New mum, Manchester

New Arrival: Luna

"I'm finding parenting interesting. I feel like you're 50% ready to have a child and then when they come along the other 50% sort of smacks you in the face - in an amazing way!"

"My biggest surprise of being a new parent is how you boss it without knowing how to boss it."

"I applied to be on the panel because I want to add a real honest and raw depiction of what it's like being a new mum. I'm looking forward to mingling with the other panellists and sharing our parenting journeys together."

Favourite Piece of Advice: "Make sure to ask for help because nothing in the world that's amazing is built by one person."

Check out Hannah on Instagram

Laura England, 2nd-time twin mum, Stoke

New Arrivals: Esther & Eve

The most surprising thing about being a twin parent is how many times we get stopped. We can't get anywhere!"

"I applied for the panel as I feel like I can bring a good viewpoint as a twin mum. I know how tough it can be when you see the perfect things on Instagram. Life isn't like that! So, for me, I like being open and honest and about the fact that parenting isn't always easy."

Parenting in 3 Words: "Crazy, tiring and fun"

Check out Laura on Instagram

Paige Crowson & Robert Free, 2nd-time parents, Norfolk

New Arrival: Oakley

"We saw last year's panel and it just looked like so much fun. It feels like a family so we're looking forward to very much being part of it."

"Parenting to us is everything as, after all, we are on this planet to be parents and reproduce."

Favourite Piece of Advice: "As relatively young parents, we think some of the best advice is to follow your own instincts - it's almost to not follow advice, just go with what feels right."

Check out Paige on Instagram

Check out Robert on Instagram

David & Chloe Shields, 2nd-time parents, Northern Ireland

"Since having kids, we've always looked into getting the best products so we're really looking forward to having a voice and shaping the development of the new products that come out. It's a rare experience to have!"

"Already we've discovered that M&P is a family company who genuinely care about families and parents that are in the middle of it... so we are really excited to be a part of that."

Favourite Piece of Advice: "It's from David's dad who once said 'whenever you're struggling, just go outside and take a walk to reconnect as a family."

Check out David on Instagram

Check out Chloe on Instagram

Ali Buckley, 2nd-time mum, Andover

New Arrival: Marlow

"As a mum of two, I'm really excited to try out Mamas & Papas products and to test out new ranges."

"Having recently welcomed Marlow into the world, I'm most looking forward to holidays, Sundays and all of the first milestones - making memories as a family."

Favourite Piece of Advice: "It's just a phase. It's always just a phase. It'll pass."

Parenting in 3 Words: "Tiring, happy and rewarding"

Check out Ali on Instagram

Tanzina Gazi, New mum, Luton

New Arrival: Aria

"As a new parent who is already enjoying sharing my experience of being a first time mum with the online parenting community, it's great to be able to do this with such a great brand and team."

"Being a new parent has been difficult but so rewarding. I think my favourite part is that I'm her favourite person in the whole world but this inspires me to be the best role model for her."

Favourite Piece of Advice: "It came from my friend who said 'the nights are long but the years are short'."

Check out Tanzina on Instagram

Danielle Lemonious, 2nd-time mum, Manchester

New Arrival: Italia

"Being a parent to me is everything. As a parent of two, I'm most looking forward to meeting new people and parents who I can share experiences with."

"I follow a lot of parenting influencers myself on Instagram and know how much they inspire me with their ideas and advice. I'm hoping I can now do the same as a panellist."

Parenting in 3 Words: "Tiring, fun and challenging"

Check out Danielle on Instagram

Jodie Stark, Mum-to-be, Bristol

New Arrival: TBC

"Being a first-time mum, I'm feeling scared but super excited as well."

"I applied for the panel as I wanted to be part of a parenting community where I can get advice from others who've been through it already. I need all the help I can get."

"The most surprising part of the pregnancy for me is how much I want to eat and the most reassuring advice I've received as a mummy-to-be is that there's no right or wrong - you can do it your way."

"Parenting experiences I'm most looking forward to are family getaways and just having a family unit."

Check out Jodie on Instagram

Salma Nuur, 3rd-time mum-to-be, London

New Arrival: TBC

"I have two boys and this is my third pregnancy. My eldest is due to turn seven so I've been on this journey for a while."

"For me, parenting is a privilege and a blessing. I never thought I could take responsibility for another human being. For me, this has been the hardest thing to accept. It's a tough job but it's worth it."

Favourite Piece of Advice: "Enjoy the moments. A stage might feel like a lifetime but it will come and go so quickly. Enjoy the noise and the mess because it'll all be gone soon."

Check out Salma on Instagram

Kelly Sibley, New mum, Nottingham

New Arrival: Jack

"As a same-sex couple, me and my wife Laura have had a difficult run-up to being pregnant. It took us a long time and we went through a huge amount of fertility treatment, so we want to try and use our voice a bit more to talk about fertility..."

"Our parenting journey has been quite a long slog. It's been tough and we've had a long journey but we're almost there!"

"We want to turn what's been quite a stressful experience into something positive and exciting."

Favourite Piece of Advice: "Just go with it. Keep living your lives so that your child can fit in around you, rather than the other way around."

Check out Kelly on Instagram

Carly Stainsby-Harris, New mum, Essex

New Arrival: Theo

"I'm absolutely loving it but then there are some moments where I'm like 'how can I possibly do this?'... No one quite prepares you for the love you feel. And it just gets you."

"My approach to parenthood and the way I'm sharing it on Instagram is that I want to be an open book... I wanted to be someone people can relate to and trust what I'm saying."

Favourite Piece of Advice: "Trust your instincts because you know your baby better than anyone else and every single baby is so different, there isn't a one-fits-all method..."

Check out Carly on Instagram

Now you can put names to the faces of our Parent Approved Panel, why not get stuck into their wise words of wisdom and read their reviews.